Saturday, November 9, 2013

“Oh, will you pray? Stop now and pray, lest desire turn to feeling and feeling evaporate.” 
― Amy Carmichael

“There have been times of late when I have had to hold on to one text with all my might: "It is required in stewards that a man may be found faithful." Praise God, it does not say "sucessful.” 
― Amy Carmichael

“We have one crystal clear reason apart from the blessed happiness of this way of life. It is this: prayer is the core of our day. Take prayer out, and the day would collapse, would be pithless, a straw blown in the wind. But how can you pray--really pray, I mean--with one against who you have a grudge or whom you have been discussing critically with another? Try it. You will find it cannot be done.” 
― Amy Carmichael

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